The non-profit Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation for Building Culture and Materials (Bochum/Berlin) will be supporting fundamental[AT1] research in the field of bioluminescence over the next three years. This refers to the ability of plants, animals and microorganisms to produce natural light - through chemical interactions and without generating any heat. The extent to which this organic potential can find its way into materials research and, in the long term, lead to the development of new, climate-neutral or even climate-positive light sources, such as in building and street lighting, is to be significantly researched and explored through this basic research.
As a first project, the foundation is funding the interdisciplinary project ‘BioLumCity’ from this autumn until autumn 2025, which is headed by Prof. DDr. [AT2] Alberto T. Estévez at the Institute for Biodigital Architecture & Genetics (iBAG) at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) and the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) under the direction of Dr. Jae-Seong Yang. The foundation is providing funding totalling EUR 150,000 for the project over a period of two years.
BioLumCity (funding 2023-25)
The ‘BioLumCity’ project, which is funded by the Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation and is located between architectural research and bioinformatics, uses bioluminescent, genetically modified bacteria and microalgae for outdoor and indoor lighting applications. The central aim is to create the basis for a multipurpose, multifunctional and multiscale system on the basis of which the bioluminescence capability of organisms could be used sustainably in architecture and design in the future.
Funding for fundamental research
The Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation is supporting fundamental research projects on building culture and materials with a new programme launched in 2022. Eligible for funding are projects that contribute to minimising CO2 emissions in the construction process - from planning, construction and operation to disposal and reuse - and thus to achieving climate neutrality. The programme is primarily aimed at scientists who respond to these challenges with innovative questions and who work at universities or publicly funded research institutions. There are no fundamental disciplinary restrictions. A project duration of up to three years is possible, with funding of up to EUR 100,000 per year. Innovative projects can be submitted to the foundation at any time.
About the foundation:
The Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation for Building Culture and Materials is concerned with the relationship between building culture and the conditions of its materialisation. It promotes the development of sustainable building materials and construction methods as well as research into the ecological, functional and atmospheric properties of materials.
The Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation was established at the end of 2013 and recognised as a non-profit foundation with legal capacity under civil law. Following the constitution of the board of trustees, the foundation's work in terms of content and programme began in 2015.
The foundation bears the name of the entrepreneurial couple Fritz and Trude Fortmann. The chemist and the businessman broke new ground in the development of materials for construction after the Second World War, at a time of architectural and urban development upheaval. It is with this in mind [AT3] that the foundation's field of action is centred around the topic of ‘building culture and materials’ and is being continuously expanded.
More information about the foundation can be found at
An information brochure on the foundation's activities and funding programmes is available on request.
Ms Naciera Taounza
Secretariat Fritz and Trude Fortmann Foundation
Universitätsstraße 60
44789 Bochum
phone: +49 234 - 33 88 9 - 320
fax: +49 234 - 33 88 9 - 321